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Chinese translation for "take-home exam"


Related Translations:
exam:  n.〔口语〕考试 (=examination)。
eus exam:  超声胃镜检查室
pe exam:  体育考试
oral exam:  (口试):教授口头提出问题、学生口头回答问题的考试,换句话说,用口头而不是书面答题。口试
english exams:  英语考试
midterm exam:  中期考试
authentication exam:  认证考试
stage exam:  段考
phys exam:  体格检查
exam briefing:  考试简介
Example Sentences:
1.The final essay is a take - home exam
2.This course includes a complete set of lecture notes , 10 problem sets , plus a final take - home exam
本课程包括完整的课堂讲稿, 10份课后作业,以及一份开卷的期终考试。
3.Write - up of answers to questions about your presentation , and a take - home exam , will be due the day of lecture 12
针对口头报告当时提问所作出的书面回答,和课外考试的呈交期限则是在讲课# 12 。
4.Watch out ! professor taylor sometimes will give a take - home exam or an open - book exam . how many courses are you taking this term
5.Facilitating academic dishonesty : knowingly helping or attempting to help another violate any provision of the code . example : working together on a take - home exam , etc
6.Grades for this course are largely based on an in - class midterm exam , two quizzes , and a final take - home exam / essay . all are available in this course site
7.The collaboration policy above applies only to problem sets . for take - home exams ( if any ) , the policy is 100 % alone , the only allowed consultations being with the lecturer and ta
合作的规则只是对问题集而言的。对于课后测验(如果有的话) ,那麽规则就是完全的独立完成,只允许请教讲师或是助教。
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